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In support of Malawi governments commitment to diversify and trans-form the country’s agriculture into a sustainable and economically viable sector, CIP, with Funding from Irish Aid is implementing a project entitled Root and Tuber Crops for Agricultural Transformation in Malawi.
The project is designed as a national research and development (R&D) program with overall coordination by CIP and aims to increase the con-tributions of Root and Tuber crops to food security, nutrition and in-comes of Malawians through harnessing advances in R&D and scaling up through the potato, orange fleshed- sweet potato and cassava value chains to meet the demand by farmers, consumers, processors, and trad-ers in Malawi.
Within the 5-year project duration, at least 160,000 faming households
(HH) will adopt improved technologies and practices, and at least 500,000 consumers will benefit from nutritious RTC foods.
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The International Potato Center (CIP) is a non-profit organization dedicated to reducing poverty and hunger through potato and sweetpotato research. We work with smallholder farmers in developing countries to improve their livelihoods by increasing crop yields, improving nutrition, and building resilience to climate change.